Stefanel- Oversize Femininity

oversize, pullover, oversize coats pullovers, black dress,stefanel,outfit,street style, street style, sokak modasi,,burgundy,hat,elegant look,chic, effortless chic

Boyunuzun kisa oldugunu bahane ederek kendinizi bazi kiyafetlerden mahrum mu birakiyorsunuz?  O zaman siz hic Miroslava Duma`yi gormediniz demektir. 1.50 boyundaki Rus Duma boyutunun cok daha ust bir frekansindan giyinen bir kadin. Bele oturan peplumlar,  uzun  veya midi  boy eteklerle adeta 1.80`lik mankenlere tas cikartir.  

Stefanel ile yapmis oldugumuz  `4 hafta 4 stil` postunun ucuncusu olan bu kombini olusturdugumda 1.80 bir boya ihtiyacim olabilecegini dusundum. Giydigimde tahmin ettigimden farkli olarak uzun bir boya ihtiyac kalmadan 1,68 bir boyla bile tasiyabildigimi gordum. Bazen on yargilari kabine tasimamak gerekiyor. 

Feminen bir goruntunun algisi bizim toplumumuzda abartilik, bol gosterisli takilar olarak algilaniyor ne yazikki. 3 parcadan ibaret olan bu  kombinde ezber bozmak adina  kadinsiligi bu saydiklarimin tersine 3 parca ile yakalamak istedim. Oversize beden, monochrome renklerle ve elegant gorunumlu bir sapkayla.

Are you complaining about being short? Sorting the outfits according to your height? Wait, I`d like to remind you  Russian lady Mrs Miroslava Duma who is 1.50m tall and looks stunning in every outfit either in midi skirts or long dresses.

This is the third outfit of my collaboration with Stefanel  under the ` four weeks four style` posts. Before I tried I thought that I`ll need  extra 30 cm height to carry it. But things are different in practice.  It looks better than I thought with my 1.68m height.  I took my own note to myself `leave your pre justice out side the fitting room`.

In this outfit I tried to show femininity with three simple things which are oversize, monochrome colors and elegant shape hat.

oversize, pullover, oversize coats pullovers, black dress,stefanel,outfit,street style, street style, sokak modasi,,burgundy,hat,elegant look,chic, effortless chic

oversize, pullover, oversize coats pullovers, black dress,stefanel,outfit,street style, street style, sokak modasi,,burgundy,hat,elegant look,chic, effortless chic

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